Getting Standard
In this tutorial, you will learn how to update the actual UI in Blazor !
Install Memento.Blazor
in the Blazor component to update the Store state.
contains components that allow UI components to know about state updates and automatically update the UI.
is included in the dependencies and does not need to be installed additionally.
is a core library consisting of pure .NET code only.
NET class library or for console apps that do not use a UI framework such as Blazor, install Memento.Core
Depends on Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components. It can also be used with native UI frameworks such as MobileBlazorBindings and BlazorBindings.Maui because it does not depend on Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.Web.
Install Memento.Blazor
for the Blazor projects.
Install Memento.Core
for the pure NET project that do not use the UI framework like .NET Class library or Console App.
Install with CLI
dotnet add package Memento.Blazor
dotnet add package Memento.Core
Install from Nuget
Memento.Blazor Nuget
Memento.Core Nuget
Blazor uses Dependency Injection in the framework.
Here is how to use Memento in your application.
Registers all required modules with AddMemento()
Registers all the stores present in the specified assembly with ScanAssemblyAndAddStores()
Specifically, all classes that inherit from ````IStore``` will be registered.
registers an individual Store specified by AddStore<TStore>()
Register the required services in Program.cs
Add middleware with ```AddMiddleware(...)`` .
Add middleware if necessary.
If isScoped: false
, it will be registered as a Singleton, if isScoped: true
, it will be registered as a Scoped service.
In the case of Blazor Server, the state is separated for each user session, so the argument isScoped: true
must be set or the state will be shared by all users.
The default args is isScoped: true
using Memento.Blazor;
var builder = WebAssemblyHostBuilder.CreateDefault(args);
// Add necessary modules to Memento
.AddMemento(isScoped: false)
// Add middleware
.AddMiddleware<LoggerMiddleware>(isScoped: false)
// Add by specifying Store
.AddStore<AsyncCounterStore>(isScoped: false)
// Scan the assembly and register all classes that implement the IStore interface
.ScanAssemblyAndAddStores(typeof(Program).Assembly, isScoped: false);
await builder.Build().RunAsync();
Next, MementoInitializer
to the component root, such as App.razor
This will initialize the necessary Memento modules.
<MementoInitializer />
<Router AppAssembly="@typeof(App).Assembly">
<Found Context="routeData">
<RouteView RouteData="@routeData" DefaultLayout="@typeof(MainLayout)" />
<FocusOnNavigate RouteData="@routeData" Selector="h1" />
<PageTitle>Not found</PageTitle>
<LayoutView Layout="@typeof(MainLayout)">
<p role="alert">Sorry, there's nothing at this address.</p>
Component usage
Using @inject
in Store will be automatically resolved by the DI container.
By inheriting from ObserverComponent.
Injected Stores that extend Store<TState>
or FluxStore<TState, TCommand>
are automatically observed by reflection.
This allows the View to automatically update the state of the Store automatically
This is an example of Counter.
@using Memento.Sample.Blazor.Stores
@using System.Text.Json
@page "/counter"
@inherits ObserverComponent
@inject AsyncCounterStore AsyncCounterStore
<h1 class="mt-5">Async Counter</h1>
<h2>Current count: @AsyncCounterStore.State.Count</h2>
<p>Loading: @AsyncCounterStore.State.IsLoading</p>
<button class="mt-3 btn btn-primary" @onclick="IncrementCount">Count up</button>
<button class="mt-3 btn btn-primary" @onclick="CountupMany">Count up 100 times</button>
<div class="mt-5">
<h3>Count up async with histories</h3>
<button class="mt-3 btn btn-primary" @onclick="IncrementCountAsync">Count up async</button>
<p class="mt-3 mb-0">Histories</p>
<div class="d-flex">
@foreach (var item in string.Join(", ", AsyncCounterStore.State.Histories)) {
<div class="mt-5">
<h3>Count up with Amount</h3>
<input @bind-value="_amount" />
<button class="mt-3 btn btn-primary" @onclick="CountupWithAmount">Count up with amount</button>
<div class="mt-5">
<h3>Set count</h3>
<input @bind-value="_countToSet" />
<button class="mt-3 btn btn-primary" @onclick="SetCount">Count up with amount</button>
@code {
int _amount = 5;
int _countToSet = 100;
void IncrementCount() {
async Task IncrementCountAsync() {
await AsyncCounterStore.CountUpAsync();
void CountupMany() {
void CountupWithAmount() {
void SetCount() {
Another way to use
If inherit cannot be used due to conflicts with other libraries, please use StateChangedObserver. If you specify IObservable for Observables, it will automatically track state changes and notify OnStateHasChanged.
<StateChangedObserver Observables="[Store1, Store2, Store3]" OnStateHasChanged="StateHasChanged" />
@page "/counter"
@inject AsyncCounterStore AsyncCounterStore
<StateChangedObserver Observables="[AsyncCounterStore]" OnStateHasChanged="StateHasChanged" />
<h1 class="mt-5">Async Counter</h1>
<h2>Current count: @AsyncCounterStore.State.Count</h2>
<p>Loading: @AsyncCounterStore.State.IsLoading</p>